Types of Trademark That Can Be Registered in UAE

Types of Trademark Can Be Registered in UAE

In the highly competitive marketplace arena of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), establishing a unique brand identity is essential. Trademarks assist in establishing this identity by protecting your brand name, logo, or slogan from unauthorized use. With various types of trademarks available for registration, understanding which one best suits your needs is vital. The article explains the various forms of trademarks that you can register in the UAE, explaining what each category entails and the benefits of trademark registration in UAE.

What is a Trademark?

A Trademark is everything that takes a distinctive shape of names, words, signatures, letters, symbols, numbers, addresses, seals, drawings, pictures, engravings, packaging, graphic elements, forms, color or colors or a combination thereof, a sign or a group of signs, including three-dimensional marks, hologram marks, or any other mark used or intended to be used to distinguish the goods or services of a facility from the goods or services of other facilities, or to indicate the performance of a service, or to conduct monitoring or examination of goods or services. A distinctive sound or smell may be considered a Trademark.

Types of Trademarks in the UAE

1. Word Marks

Word marks are words, letters, numbers, or any combination thereof that do not suggest any special design or graphical element. They are simple and deal essentially with the textual presentation of a brand. For example, the brand name “Apple,” “Nike,” or “Emirates” can be registered as a word mark. Such marks are very broad in protection, as they encompass the use of the word regardless of design or style.

2. Figurative Marks

A figurative mark, otherwise known as a logo mark, is a logo, design, or any other graphical representation lacking words or letters. They protect the specific graphical representation of a brand. Examples include the Nike swoosh, the Apple logo, or the Emirates logo. Figurative marks are very important for those brands that rely mostly on their visual identity.

3. Combined Marks

Combination marks have both words and a figurative element. As they protect the text and graphics of the brand, they offer complete protection. An example would be the golden arches with the word “McDonald’s” or Starbucks with the siren and the brand name. Combined marks work best with brands that have both a distinctive logo and a memorable name.

4. Service Marks

Service marks are almost similar to trademarks, only that they identify and distinguish services rather than products. They, therefore, prove very vital in the service sector in protecting the brand identity of business organizations involved in service delivery. Examples include marks used by service-oriented companies such as airlines, hotels, or financial institutions like “Emirates Airlines” or “Marriott Hotels”.

5. Collective Marks

Collective marks are those used by members of an association, cooperative, or other collective group to indicate the source of goods or services provided by members of the group. In other words, these marks guarantee that the goods or services conform to specific standards and relate to a given group. Examples include marks used by trade associations or unions to indicate membership and adherence to specific standards.

6. Certification Marks

Certification marks are used to guarantee that goods or services meet a certain standard or have some particular characteristic. They give consumers assurance about the quality, origin, or method of production of goods or services. Examples include halal marks, organic certification, and ISO certifications.

7. Three-Dimensional Marks

Three-dimensional marks also involve signs that consist of the form of a good or its packaging if it is distinctive and not purely functional. This category of marks applies to products with shapes or packages that make the brand identity, as in the case of the unique shape of a Coca-Cola bottle or the pack design of Toblerone chocolate.

8. Sound Marks

Sound marks are marks that identify or distinguish a good or service through a distinctive sound. Examples include the MGM lion roar, the Nokia tune, or the Intel jingle—all names and sounds used by brands incorporating some form of audio elements into their marketing and branding.

9. Color Marks

Color marks refer to trade or service marks represented by one or more colors used in a specific and distinctive manner. They protect the usage of particular colors uniquely associated with a brand. Examples include the distinctive blue used by Tiffany & Co. or the red soles of Christian Louboutin shoes.

10. Hologram Marks

Hologram marks are holographic images that identify and distinguish goods or services. They are mostly attached to add further security and sometimes for purposes of brand protection, especially for industries vulnerable to counterfeiting. Examples include holograms on credit cards or security labels.

11. Smell Marks

Smell marks are smells that uniquely identify or distinguish one’s goods or services. They work best in product lines where the fragrance plays a significant part in the consumer experience or overall brand differentiation. Examples of smell marks include a specific fragrance used within a product or a unique scent added to a brand of stationery or retail spaces.

Benefits of Trademark Registration in the UAE

Some of the benefits associated with the process of registering a trademark in the UAE are outlined below:

  • Exclusive Rights: It grants the owner the exclusive right to use the mark and prevents others from using identical or confusingly similar marks.
  • Legal Protection: A registered trademark is protected under UAE law, and infringement may form the basis of a lawsuit.
  • Brand Recognition: Trademarks promote brand recognition and loyalty.
  • Business Asset: A registered trademark is an intangible asset that adds intrinsic value to any business.
  • Market Expansion: It helps to expand into new markets with its requirements for legal protection and brand recognition.

How Trademark Agent at FAR Consulting Middle East Can Help

The procedure for registering a trademark in the UAE may be full of legalities and complexities. Our skilled Trademark Agent at Farahat & Co. is here to guide you through every step:

  • Trademark Search and Clearance: We conduct comprehensive searches to identify potential conflicts with already existing trademarks.
  • Selection and Filing: Our team will help you select the most appropriate kind of trademark to apply for under the new law and ensure that you have a smooth filing process with the UAE authorities.
  • Case Prosecution and Response: The applicant is represented in any communication and raising of objections that may occur during the registration process.
  • Post-Registration Management: We will assist you in maintaining your trademark and enforcing your rights against infringement.

By engaging Farahat & Co.’s Trademark Agent, you ensure proper assistance in protecting your brand identity and fully safeguarding your business interests in light of the new legal framework within the UAE.

Read More: Trademark Monitoring Services in the UAE