5 Trademark Mistakes Every Small Business Owner Should Avoid


Having a trademark of your business in Dubai is necessary for the legal identification and uniqueness of your brand. The market is full of existing brands and the inclusion of new brands is happening on daily basis. That is the basic reason due to which you need to have a trademark registration in Dubai of your brand. That will help in the identification of your brand within a lot of other companies. There are some mistakes that small business owners should avoid when it comes to the trademark issue. These mistakes are explained below:

Also Read: What Documents Do You Need to Prepare for Trademark Registration in UAE?

1.    The brand name is descriptive

The name of your brand must be strong enough. It should also represent the idea of your brand. However, make sure the name of your brand is not much descriptive. In that case, you will not be able to get it registered. As you will be spending your time and money on that trademark, you need to consider all the important facts before finalizing one.


2.    Deciding a brand sign or logo will mean that you own it

If you have already decided a word or a specified logo for your brand that will not mean that you will have all the rights to that logo. You still have to get it registered to have all the rights related to that trademark or logo. Although that logo will represent the uniqueness of your brand still you need to make it legal.


3.    Consulting a database was the only step in searching for a unique logo

Some people may think that if they have already searched for the trademark on the database, their research will be done. This is not the case in every situation. You need to follow some other important steps as well to complete this research. Apart from consulting the database, to conduct a search operation online to check if your logo is unique.


4.    If your business name includes your personal name, you don’t need registration

This assumption is again wrong. No matter if your brand name contains your own name, you still have to get it registered to get the legal rights. There is a possibility that some other person who has the same name as you, already have a brand. Moreover, a trademark that contains a lot of description is a weak one.


5.    Using a trademark that is slightly different from the registered one

You are not allowed to use a trademark that is not registered even if it contains a slight change like a coma. In that case, you will not have legal rights. Moreover, you can also lose your trademark if it is not properly used. All the time and money you have spent on the creation of that trademark will go to waste.

All these are the basic mistakes that the small owners make when it comes to the registration of the trademark. Make sure you avoid each of this mistake.

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