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Trademark Registration Class 35: A Guide to Advertising, Business Management, and Office Functions

Trademark Registration for Advertising and Business Consultancy

Trademark classification enables the efficient search and examination of trademarks whenever they are registered through this categorization. Trademarks and their classifications in the UAE are managed by the Ministry of Economy (MOE). By the Nice Agreement, the MOE classifies trademarks based on 45 classes of products and services where the trademark is intended to be used. Class 35 deals with trademarks that have their connection with advertisement, business administration, business management, and office functions. The following article will shed more light as to what is included in trademark class 35 UAE.

Trademark Class 35

Trademark Class 35 thus can be described as a comprehensive class that includes various kinds of services that are related to advertising and business. Some of the main categories contained under this class are as follows:

  • Advertising agency services
  • Marketing and promotion services
  • Business Consultancy
  • Business management and administration
  • Official tasks like photocopying and other printing tasks and printing.
  • BERT also includes exhibiting and trade fairs for business purposes.
  • Retail store services
  • Club membership and loyalty and incentive program

Examples of Class 35

Below are some of the typical examples of the kind of services that can be registered under Trademark Class 35:

  • Any form of service that relates to marketing such as email marketing, social media marketing, or search engine marketing.
  • Public relations services
  • Creation and manufacturing of billboards or other types of advertisements for third parties
  • Sponsored links, blogging, and social media as a way of advertising and selling manufactured goods and services
  • Business project management to others
  • Provision of accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services
  • Recruiting and staffing of individuals
  • Use of trade fairs and exhibitions for business promotion
  • Surveys of opinion and analyses of markets
  • Advertising the goods and services of others through discount cards
  • Business efficiency experts
  • Customs and brokers or custom house agents

Table: Benefits of Trademark Registration in Class 35

Benefit Description
Exclusive rights Once registered, the owner gains exclusive rights over the use of their trademark in relation to the services covered.
Prevent Infringement Registration deters others from using identical or similar marks that could pass off their services as being from the registered owner.
Serve as proof of ownership The registration provides official documentation of trademark ownership that can be used if disputes arise.
National protection A UAE trademark registration automatically provides protection across all seven emirates.
Cost-effective alternative to litigation Formal registration helps avoid expensive legal disputes down the line by clearly establishing intellectual property rights.
Duration of rights Initial registration is valid for 10 years and can be renewed indefinitely thereafter every 10 years.

Steps for Trademark Registration in Class 35

The following are the general steps in the process of obtaining a trademark registration, especially for the services in Class 35 in the UAE through the MOE:

  • Search for similar/trademark identical applications to the proposed mark
  • Such documents may include an application form, Representation of mark, and Power of attorney.
  • Apply and complete the online application through the MOE website and make the necessary fees.
  • The advertisement of the application should be done in two local newspapers
  • MOE takes timings in the application for compliance in 30 days
  • Issue MOE trademark bulletin of mark details on a monthly basis
  • Oppositions must be filed within a period of thirty (30) days from the publication of the notice.
  • Mark is registered within 30 days of the objection period ending
  • Certificate of registration obtained within 90 days of registration

It is advisable to enlist the services of a licensed trademark attorney in the UAE to make the process smoother and more timely. Non–compliant applications have the potential of being refused or delayed.


Question: What is the registration fee for a trademark in Class 35?

Answer: The general fee structure for trademark registration in the UAE is AED 750 for the initial application. However, there are additional fees, which include a Publication Fee of AED 750 and a Final Trademark Registration Fee of AED 5000. So, the total cost for trademark registration is AED 6500. Payments made after the due date may attract further charges as a penalty.

Question: Can a trademark registration be for more than one class?

Answer: Yes, it is allowed to apply for registration of the same trademark for the goods or services that are under different NICE Classification groups by paying the necessary fees for each additional class. This leads to the fact that the protection period is also broader.

Question: Is it mandatory that I advertise my trademark application?

Answer: Yes, UAE trademark law requires the applicant to publish the applied-for mark in two local Arabic newspapers within thirty days of filing the application. This is to inform the public and call for opposition within a 30-day duration after the last advertisement.

Question: How many years is a UAE trademark valid for initially?

Answer: The initial registration of the UAE trademark is for a period of 10 years from the date of filing. Renewal can be continuous and is done through the submission of renewal applications every ten years accompanied by the relevant fees.


Trademark registration in UAE Class 35 is essential for businesses that are engaged in advertising business management and office administration to obtain trademark protection and ownership rights. By consulting the trademark consultants in UAE, you can gain awareness of the registration procedures, which can enable businessmen to effectively harness registration advantages for the purpose of sustainable business in the UAE market in the future.

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