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Trademark Registration for a New Brand

In this rapidly developing world, it has become quite a concern for the people to not let their name get copied. This is why the trademark registration in UAE has been given huge importance to spare the trademarks of companies from getting copied and to protect Intellectual Property Dubai, UAE.

What is a Trademark?

The word trademark itself contains the meaning of it. Yes, it is actually the mark of trade for the companies. With the trademark, a company can provide its services and products to anyone and anywhere. It can be a word, a slogan, a logo, or an image that distinguishes you from other brands in the country or around the world. To distinguish one brand from another, trademark registration can play a vital role. Your trademark registration in Dubai can help you gain your solo identity while letting you work in your own unique ways.

For example, when you see any vehicle like that of TOYOTA, you see a particular symbol of Toyota company on every one of it. The symbol basically is the trademark of the TOYOTA company which was granted to Toyota after it went for trademark registration in UAE. In this way, you instantly recognize Toyota from other companies right after seeing the trademark on the vehicles.

What gets protected under Trademark?

Trademark protects the brand identity of the business and gives the business its own separate identity. For instance, if you take a clothing company and observe its tags on the collar, you will get an idea about the name of the company or the brand. If some other company starts selling its products with a mark similar to the prior one, the former company will start losing its customer due to quality loss. In such conditions, Trademark infringement law acts as a ray of light and protects the business names or trademarks from getting copied.

Who is the owner of the Trademark logo?

The person or a company that uses the trademark registration for trade purposes will be the owner of the trademark. What causes confusion here is the designer of the logo. The designer of the logo is usually not the owner of the trademark as different companies appoint logo designers to design their trademarks in different and unique ways.

When does it happen that the logo becomes a Trademark?

When your logo starts appearing on your packaging, product, or any other label, it becomes a trademark. The public starts recognizing the company because of the logo. Different companies have their own trademarks just like the “M” of McDonald’s written in a unique way. Even a toddler can recognize McDonald’s with a single look at its trademarked “M”.

Trademark Registration Application and Cost

What happens if the Company Registers its logo as a Trademark?

When the trademark is put into commercial use and when you advertise your product’s logo, it becomes eligible for trademark registration. One thing that should be noticed here is that there are different trademark registration laws in Dubai and also in different countries. The trademarks protect the logo, slogan, or anything that is being used as a trademark by the company.

Does your logo approve of all the conditions required for Trademark Registration?

There are a huge number of trademarks that get approved by the patent offices but still, not all trademarks get qualified for the trademark registration in UAE. There are different conditions that ought to be fulfilled for trademark registration, for example, the trademark or logo should not offend anyone and should not mislead the audience in one way or the other. If the applications of trademarks are too similar, the trademark will get rejected. The applications for similar trademarks are rejected to avoid the consumers from getting confused between the companies.

When can a company register its Trademark?

The trademark and copyright registration in the UAE should not be delayed at all. UAE has been heaven for the businesses and businessmen around the world. Every day a number of new brands and businesses are stepping their feet in the UAE. In such a quickly spreading business economy it is very important to keep the identity of your business unique. The company should take action regarding trademark registration as soon as possible to avoid any inconvenience in the way of registration.

What makes a Trademark strong?

To distinguish your thingamajig from others, the trademark is used. So the first and foremost thing that makes your trademark stronger than others is its uniqueness. If your trademark is creative, versatile and unique from others, it will mark a strong territory.

Why should the company not register its logo as a Trademark?

You might change your logo in the coming years or you might not want to continue with your business for a very long time or maybe your logo cannot be registered for being too similar to any other company registration in Dubai.

How can the Trademark symbols be used?

For your registered trademarks, use the symbol of ® or ™. You are not required to show the trademark symbols every time you appear. As they can look like a mess in the whole frame. For other things like the banner of your shop or office. So that you can use these symbols to give others an idea about you being a registered entity.

How to Register a Trademark in UAE?

Just like other countries to protect the Intellectual Property or business and to Facilitate the business to own their Trademark. There is a law and a certain procedure for Registering Trademark in the UAE. There are companies like Farahat & Co. who specializes in Brand registration in UAE, UAE or copyright registration in Dubai. The process to register a trademark is as important as that of having a trademark for business. This needs legal and procedural expertise to get a trademark registration in the UAE without any opposition or conflict.

Business Setup Consultants in UAE

You can rely on Farahat & Co with all their experience to facilitate your business. In keeping its unique identity with getting the trademark registration in UAE through them.
