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How To Submit a Complaint to the FTA Dubai

How To Submit a Complaint to the Federal Tax Authority

The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) in the UAE receives complaints and requests for clarification from both individuals and businesses. Regardless of the nature of your concern, the FTA values all inquiries and feedback. As a result, the authority conducts investigations to address concerns effectively and ensures that feedback is properly considered, fostering transparency and open communication between the FTA and taxpayers. To facilitate this process, a step-by-step guide has been provided for submitting complaints, inquiries, or suggestions, making the procedure more accessible and efficient.

When to File a Complaint or Inquiry to FTA?

FTA invites Complaints, Inquiries, or Suggestions in the following regard:

  • General complaints: when registering, filing a return, or relating to some issue arising within the EmaraTax Portal.
  • Complaints for Technical Issues: Related to problems that the person faced in accessing the EmaraTax System or filing the application forms.
  • Elucidation of Tax Laws: Enquiries on VAT, Excise Tax, or Corporate Tax compliance;
  • Understanding Improvement: Proposals for betterment of FTA services, systems, and its communication;
  • Application for Reconsideration: To get the decision reviewed that was reconsidered upon the submitted application.
  • Decision Feedback: Looking to review your previously submitted application or decision.

The above covers all kinds of general issues against any concern whatsoever.

Documents Related to Complaint/Enquiry

Proper documentation ensures that your complaint/inquiry are addressed at the right moment. Some of the necessary documents in this regard include: 

  • Emirates ID: In the case of Emirati citizens and residents.
  • Copy of Passport: In the case of non-residents.
  • Any supporting documents associated with your complaints, questions, or suggestions may be email-related, tax papers, or screenshots of some technical issues related to the site.

Steps to Submit a Complaint Inquiry Suggestion to FTA

The steps include:

Step 1: Identify the nature of your submission.

Identify your submission: complaint, inquiry, or suggestion. The differentiation should give your email or application an appropriate form.

Step 2: Draft an Email or Use the EmaraTax Portal

Your complaint or inquiry may be sent either via email or through the EmaraTax Portal.

Submission of Complaint/Inquiry through Email

    • Subject: The subject should clearly define the purpose of writing the email, like “Complaint – Problem in Portal Access” or “Suggestion to Improve the Filing Process”.
    • Body of the email: A small description regarding your problem, question or suggestion. Please provide complete information with an attachment of a supporting document.
    • Send it to FTA official address

Through EmaraTax Portal

    • Sign in to the EmaraTax portal
    • Tap on “Contact us” or click on submit feedback
    • By attaching the relevant document, fill the form 

Step 3: Attach Supporting Evidence: – In case of a complaint or an issue, attach supporting documents like the screenshot of errors or technical problems.

  • Correspondence evidence or evidence of prior contact with the FTA.
  • Complaint forms and/or supporting documentation.

Step 4: Sending Your Application/Form

Make sure everything is accurate; all attachments are included and then click on send by submitting it to the correct portal.

How will the FTA deal with the complaints?

The FTA will deal effectively with any complaint, inquiry, or suggestion received by it. To this effect:

  • Acknowledgment: An automated email will be sent for receipt of the submission.
  • Processing: Your complaint, inquiry, or suggestion will be reviewed by FTA. In case of any additional information and document requirement, FTA will request it via email.
  • Resolution: In cases of complaints, the FTA will send an appropriate resolution, and for inquiries, the FTA will clarify. Recommendations submitted will be passed to the respective unit for their acceptance.
  • Status Changes: All statuses of your submissions will be mailed back or available online on the EmaraTax Portal dashboard.

Track Your Application

Applicants can log into their applications on the EmaraTax Portal. The dashboard view will be displayed with the status information as given below:

There are available statuses as follows:

  •  Received: Received message
  • Under Review: The request is under process
  • Awaits More Information: Additional information is required by the applicant.
  • Resolved/Closed: The case regarding the question raised or complaint filed is finalized.

Time to Process

The average time that the FTA takes to study submissions and try to write back on them is generally 40 business days. There can be no delaying if the applicants can ensure the information provided is complete.


Businesses are advised to seek the expert services of premier Tax Consultants in UAE to seamlessly ensure compliance with tax requirements and laws. Contact us today and we shall be glad to assist you. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Whether a complaint can be saved as a draft?

Yes, you can save your submission as a draft. You will be sent reminders to your registered email if the draft is not completed within 60 days.

In which language shall I submit the complaint or suggestions?

The complaints, inquiries, and suggestions can be in either Arabic or English.

How can one respond to a rejected complaint by the FTA?

The FTA will state the reasons for the rejection. Take up the issues pointed out and resubmit your application with additional information.

Can I lodge more than one complaint or inquiry at one time?

It is possible to lodge a number of issues under one application if they are related to each other. Briefly describe each issue and attach documents that may support your application.

To whom and for what kind of company’s the application to be filed with FTA?

All persons with grievances can lodge the complaint against the tax agent who can apply the application.

What is the course of action post-filing of the application or sending an email to the FTA?

  • Screening: FTA will screen your application. If more information regarding the case is needed, then they will write an email.
  • Decision: Your application will be reviewed. The submission could be disapproved or approved by their own discretion in FTA, which will send notification regarding this through the use of emails.
  • Re-application: Anyway, in the event that your application is declined the FTA will give reasons. However, where one has violated the rules, you may reapply after you have corrected your mistakes. It is for this reason that you can monitor the status of your application at your EmaraTax Portal anytime.

What is the time prescribed for the FTA to review an application?

Normally, the review of a complaint would take about 40 working days from the time of its receipt to be processed by the FTA. In more complex matters that need some extra information apart from what is provided, in those cases the FTA needs more than 40 days; applicants will then be informed on the same basis.

Can I file a complaint against an individual?

Yes, you can file a complaint or inquiry for another individual or business if you are duly authorized to act on behalf of the other party with the appropriate documentation.

What do I do if I don’t hear back in the time it is supposed to take?

If no response has been received within the usual expected period of time, please follow up through access via email or through logging into EmaraTax Portal to enquire about the status of the submission. For any inquiry or further process, please contact the FTA hotline.

Are there specific formats or templates that need to be applied when submitting any complaint or query?

Although there is no prescribed format, it is advisable that you clearly state the purpose of your submission, provide information in detail and attach supporting documents to your case.

How does the complainant receive the outcome of the complaint?

The same shall be informed through an e-mail by the FTA. Any status can be viewed to know updates of the change of status in submission in the EmaraTax Portal itself.

