Even though we’re living in a modern world and utilize email as the main form of communication, there’s still lots of correspondence in hard copies that come from government authorities, banks, or business clients and suppliers. There’s also the tendency in “going green,” but we still see the merit of having hard copy correspondence. In … Read more
Company shares are of the company’s property; however, they may be sold or transferred to other individuals or corporate entities as per the UAE Company Act of 2015. Shares of a company may be transferred for a variety of reasons. There are people that will transfer ownership of shares in order to exchange them for … Read more
Startups have become a significant contributor to the economy of the UAE in recent years. With the country’s strategic location, well-developed infrastructure, and business-friendly policies, it has become a hub for entrepreneurship and innovation. However, with the growing number of startups, the competition has also increased, and protecting one’s brand has become more critical than ever. One way to do that is by registering a trademark. In this article, we will discuss the benefits and challenges of trademark registration for startups in the UAE.
Choosing a strong trademark is essential for any business operating in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A strong trademark can help distinguish a business from its competitors and build brand recognition and loyalty. In this article, we will provide an overview of how to choose a strong trademark registration in UAE, including the legal requirements for trademarks, types of trademarks, and factors to consider when choosing a trademark.
Trademarks are an essential part of any business. They identify the source of goods and services and help companies to build a brand. In the UAE, trademarks are registered with the Ministry of Economy and Commerce. Trademark registration in UAE is valid for ten years from the filing date, after which it must be renewed … Read more
Contrary to popular belief, intellectual property (IP) infringement and counterfeiting in UAE are different. However, both are prohibited by both local and international intellectual property regulations. Trademark or IP counterfeiting is the act of placing an established trademark onto products and services that are not among the legitimate goods and services offered by a trademark’s … Read more