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Types of Intellectual Property for Businesses

Types of Intellectual Property for Businesses


Intellectual property (IP) rights in UAE are legal rights conferred to IP owners or holders. They provide creators sufficient protection for inventions, original works, or appearance of artistic works, products, scientific developments, brands, and so on. What are the different kinds of intellectual property? There are several different kinds of IP rights granted to individuals … Read more

Accounting Outsourcing in Dubai

accounting bookkeeping dubai

Wouldn’t you want to have the ability to finally reduce the time that’s spent on maintaining administrative tasks and focus on increasing the company profits? Now might be perfect to contract a vendor for accounting and bookkeeping service in Dubai. How does accounting outsourcing in Dubai benefit businesses? As your company grows, it’s the perfect … Read more

Why a Business Needs a Trademark in UAE?


While UAE businesses can have business operations in the country without a trademark, there’s a lot of important reasons why trademark registration (Trademark in UAE) should be taken into consideration. What are the benefits of having a business trademark in the UAE? The important benefits of trademark registration in the UAE, which makes it an … Read more

Sustain Business Growth in UAE

growth businesses uae

Every entrepreneur wants to witness their business stay afloat or even dominate the market, most especially during an economic downturn. The problem is the process of business setup in the UAE does not provide any information on how to sustain long-term growth in the market niche of a business. Most businesspeople would settle at one … Read more
