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RAK Mainland Company Formation

Business Setup in RAK Mainland

Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) is one of the seven Emirates of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is only 45 minutes away from Dubai and located near Oman. The government of Ras Al Khaimah has been doing its job in making the Emirate known. It is starting to emerge out of the rest of the Emirates as a go-to investment by business owners as RAK company formations is becoming notable in the UAE.

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  • Following industries you can setup in RAK Mainland

    We covers all the following industries, even if your industry not in list you can consult with us we can help you setup.

  • Benefits of Setting up Business in RAK Mainland

    Ras Al Khaimah business opportunities are booming in the Emirate. Foreign investors are swarming in, making it one of the most developed Emirates. Aside from this, the reason that business setup in Ras Al Khaimah is becoming widely known is that it boasts advantages in its place.

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  • Business Setup Requirements & Procedure

    Requirements for Ras Al Khaimah Company Registration

    • Memorandum of Association;
    • License Application;
    • Name reservation certificate;
    • Passport copy of each shareholder;
    • Tenancy contract;
    • External departments approval;
    • Approval from UAE Central Bank;
    • Initial Approval Certificate

    Speak to our business setup team today to get the full list of requirements for business setup in Ras al Khaimah mainland.

  • The procedure of processing your RAK company formation would range from 2 to 4 weeks, which includes your Ras Al Khaimah business license.
  • Support Services Offered in RAK

    FAR Consulting Middle East is the registered and authorized company that offers RAK business setup. We have a team of experienced business consultants who can help you with cost effective RAK company formation.

    Teaming up with our consultants can offer you:

    • Help you find a local sponsor for legalizing your business
    • Obtaining approvals of various government authority
    • Assistance in opening bank account
    • Notarizing of several documents regarding company
    • Fulfilling the licensing requirements
    • Processing the various documents for company formation in RAK mainland
  • Business Setup Cost in RAK

    RAK Company Formation Cost

    The below table shows our estimation of RAK company formation cost, which also includes the Ras Al Khaimah trade license cost. You can review it and send us an inquiry if you have any clarifications.

    UAE Mainland Estimated Official Cost for Study Case/New Business Setup
    Fees/Cost/ReceiverNarrationCycleCost (AED)PaymentComments
    Trade Name ReservationGovt. AgencyOne time610100% Adv.View
    Initial Approval for Your BusinessGovt. AgencyOne time110100% Adv.
    Local Citizen – Sponsorship FeeYour Business’ Local SponsorYearly15,000100% LaterView
    MOA – Legal Translation ServicesTranslation ServicesOne time1,280100% Adv.View
    Notarization of MOAGovt. AgencyOne time960100% Adv.View
    Licensing & Certificate of Incorporation Fees (for specific business activity)Govt. AgencyYearly7,000100% Adv.View
    File Opening – Immigration (Establishment Card)Govt. AgencyOne time860100% Adv.
    File Opening – Ministry of Labour (Establishment Card)Govt. AgencyOne time2,053100% Adv.
    E-Signature Card – Ministry of LabourGovt. AgencyOne time1,000100% Adv.
    Farhat Office & Co. Fees – Your Business Registration Consultant’s Professional Fees
    All of the Following Services are Included:
    » MOA drafting – Arabic/English
    » Power of attorney drafting – A/E
    » Side Agreement drafting – A/E
    Professional Fees/Farhat Office & Co.One time15,000100% Adv.


    All fees for government and related authorities are an estimation only. The exact government fees will be determined at the time of submission of the applications. We are obligated to provide our clients with all receipts of government and related agencies against the amount that will be paid. Every amount that will expense for your business registration will be supported by documents. In case of shortage, the client has to repay us. In case of excess, we have to refund the client.

    Our professional fee covers consultation, drafting of legal documents, introducing reliable local citizen service-agent when required, assisting in document notarization from the local notary public, assisting in local bank account opening, and applying to the concerned authorities on your behalf.
